Thursday, September 15, 2011


Thank you stranger for the sweet little poem you threw away on our lawn... thankfully I can't help but read lost notes when I see them on the ground. This was a pleasant surprise, normally I find grocery lists and crumpled failed tests. This little rhyming message of hope and faith was a perfect summary of how I try to live my life.

Apparently "Believe" is a very popular piece by poet Emily Matthews, so I can't give credit to my anonymous litterbug for it's creation, but still it was a nice cherry on the top of a very awesome day! A day that was spent in meetings with vibrant folks like painter Kelly Mitchelmore and April Griffin from the new Vaughn Shand Wellness Centre, as we prepare to celebrate our local arts community with this year's Festival of Art. An easy flowing day spent following my dreams and listening to my intuition, letting it lead me to where I am meant to go.

Bryan sometimes walks around singing a little tune and ever ever since I first had my "Flying Cloud" dream (which I promise I will share with you all one day) it has become my motto. When ever things start to stray from my "plan" I repeat these words and remind myself that this is my path and that "everything works if you let it, if you let it all work out!"

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