Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Checking in on Sylvia's Renovations

This last weekend we took a trip to Annapolis to check in on Sylvia's progress and exchange ideas with Gary about the designs for the shelving. 

So far things are looking really great! I just love the combination of recycled and salvaged material; transformed by such a clean design style, it is what I would build if I had the first clue as to how to build! I may have done well in junior high "Wood-shop"  pumping out a spice rack, a loonie shaped piggy bank and a foot stool, but I've always been a little too afraid of power tools to take on any project as detailed as this one on my own... so I'm pretty thankful we found Gary! 

One obstacle for us had been what to do with the floors, but super Gary came up with yet another brilliant solution, one that I think will end up looking absolutely fabulous (but you'll have to wait for the reveal to see for yourself!)

We had a great visit with Gary as he showed off all his hard work and displayed the benefits of his versatile designs. One example being the transformation of the dinette into a double sized bed! Gary has so many tricks up his sleeve...  now I just have to patiently wait for the next four weeks to pass so I can finally revel in Sylvia's complete makeover! 

Until then here are a few pics of what's been done so far...

The view from my counter.
The built in storage also hides the wheels.

Gary showing me how the storage cupboards
on the other side will be deeper.

Gary has plans to build me a display
case made from recycled windows.

Gary had to replace an old leaky vent - bye, bye water!

The previously built in cupboards are pretty rad themselves, with
a little paint they are going to work nicely as display boxes!

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